Following my article Rodent-o-phobia, my sister (who is also my critic and an unmatched support behind this blog) was online and was giving me feedback along with a few LOLs. She enjoys my poor jokes to such an extent that she not only LOLs, but also ROFLs and ROFLMAOs at some of them, whereas the same joke would not have any effect on others. In fact, my ability to crack poor jokes is nurtured by her.
(After reading my article she says...)
She: How can there be mice in your house. It is very unhygienic!
Me: Yeah I thought it was healthy and invited it.
She: No I am serious. There was once a mouse in my kitchen…and I knew it from the smell.
Me: Deodorant?
She: Mice stink, don’t you know. I found it and drove it out with a mop. Also cleaned the kitchen…especially the area where it hid.
Me: You killed it?
She: No I drove it away.
Me: Okay check your wardrobe.**laughs**
She: I saw it going outside my apartment...
Me: Towards your neighbor’s house?
She: No it sped towards the elevator… and squeezed inside...then someone from parking lot pressed the button and the elevator went down.
Me: Mice these days, I say…!
She: **ROFL**
She: **ROFL**